Advertising in the Pennysaver is America's #1 choice of advertising. The Pennysaver Newspapers have been serving local communities for over 50 years! The Pennysavers are distributed across the country, offering many direct mail publications, as well as racked in many public locations for readers to pickup. The Pennysaver is an excellent source to advertise in because it allows businesses of all sizes to build their brand, attract new customers, and get your business the exposure it needs. Weekly newspapers have a longer shelf life, giving your ad longer pulling power and advertising results.
Listed below are some of Nationwide Newspapers favorite Pennysavers, Shoppers and other weekly newspapers and group buys in the United States. Most deadlines are Wednesday for the following Thursday's papers. Advertising rates are based on a 20 word classified line ad (unless indicated) for one week. Additional word cost varies per newspaper. Click on the newspaper to see details, the circulation, weekly cost and to place your ad today!
If you need additional information on a particular newspaper, contact our Sales Dept to speak to one of our Account Executives at 407-909-1644 or email Sales@NationwideAdvertising.com